If you’re reading this, I’m going to guess that you are living in your Zone of Excellence.
That sounds like a good thing, right? Who doesn’t want to be excellent?
What if I told you that living in your Zone of Excellence is your biggest problem right now?
The term “Zone of Excellence” comes from the book The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks. I highly recommend it.
When you are in the Zone of Excellence, you are performing at a high level. You probably have an important title with a lot of responsibility. You may have been promoted through the ranks quickly. Most likely, you are being very well paid for your contribution and you’re greatly appreciated by your colleagues.
In the Zone of Excellence, you also get praise from your family and your significant other. The people who depend on you are grateful for the good, solid income you provide. In the Zone of Excellence, you are well-rewarded for your work.
So, what’s wrong with the “Zone of Excellence?” It sounds pretty good, right?
Just one thing is wrong. It is the enemy of your Zone of Genius.
Your Zone of Genius is when you are doing work that you are so excited and passionate about what you are doing that hours can pass and you don’t even notice. You get completely lost in the joy of the moment.
If you’re living in you Zone of Excellence, then you definitely aren’t in your Zone of Genius. Why not?
Because you’re afraid you might fail. Because you’re unwilling to take a risk. Because no one ever told you that it was possible for you to do the thing you are best at and still make an amazing living. Right?
If you’re like so many aspiring entrepreneurs I talk to, you were probably told to take the traditional, safe route—go to school, get a job, work your way up the ladder, save your money and hopefully have enough to retire when you’re 65. You were taught that these were the predictable steps to success.
You’ve followed those steps, and followed them brilliantly, and they’ve landed you in your Zone of Excellence.
Unfortunately, living in the Zone of Excellence doesn’t bring fulfillment. It doesn’t help you feel like you’re making an impact in the world. You’re not expressing your life’s purpose.
In his 1937 book, Think and Grow Rich, author Napoleon Hill claims that the way to grow rich is to express your unique authenticity in your ideas, talents and perspective. He’s not talking about being comfortably middle class. He’s talking about true wealth of the caliber of Andrew Carnegie and Henry Ford. When you share your passion with the world, you’re in that Zone of Genius and you are generously rewarded for it.
Now, if you’re thinking, “that’s great, Judy, but nobody’s going to pay me to color mandalas all day, or go shopping, or travel,” think again.
There is always a way to transform your unique talent into a business that allows you to live in your Zone of Genius. If you want to color mandalas, know that artists make good money—the whole “starving artist” thing is a myth. If you want to go shopping, personal shoppers are in high demand. If you want to travel, consider becoming a freelance travel writer.
Think about it. People pay Tiger Woods to play golf. Kevin Hart tells jokes. Oprah Winfrey chats with interesting people.
There’s always a way to find a business opportunity for your passion.
If you’re struggling with living in your Zone of Excellence and feeling trapped, unfulfilled and purposeless, take the leap into your Zone of Genius.
My 1:1 coaching program is designed specifically to help you make that leap. We will identify your purpose, build your brand and provide a platform for you to leave your Zone of Excellence behind and live in you Zone of Genius, where you belong.
If you’re ready, reach out to me, and we can get started.