Work with Judy: RETREATS

Sometimes an off-site retreat is the best way to immerse your team in new concepts.

You can build trust and enhance your leadership–away from the office!

Over 5 days and 4 nights:

Your group will come to Gettysburg, PA, to bust through old paradigms!

Your team will be guided through leadership lessons from the Battle of Gettysburg.

Your team members will learn to master leadership skills in rapidly changing, stressful environments.

You will experience how ordinary leaders, like you, helped their team survive overwhelming adversity.

Walking on the sites where it happened, this retreat is a deep dive into leadership under fire.

Click below for information on the next retreat:

Dr. Judy is privileged to be a member of the faculty of the Lincoln Leadership Institute of Gettysburg. They offer multiple opportunities for 3-day leadership retreats on the battlefield.
To find out more, click below: