When Was the Last Time You Had a Day to Yourself?

When was the last time that you had an entire day all to yourself? If the answer is longer than a week ago, I’m talking to you.

Do you feel like somebody always needs something from you, between your nine to five job running your kids to school, making meals, doing the grocery, shopping, doing something for everybody else?

Do you feel like your creativity is absolutely sapped and you have no time for yourself and nothing left to give to anybody else?

Does your house blow up on a daily basis iff you aren’t there to pay attention to it? (Thanks, Terra Taylor, for the image!!)

I completely understand. I was there once too. I was 33 years old. I had a small child. I was a single mother. I was working full time. I was trying to juggle it all. And my creative self just shriveled up and died, although for me, that’s almost literal.

Never indulging my creativity or taking time for myself ruined my health. The stress of it all took such a toll that at age 33, I was diagnosed with Stage IV lymphoma.

I had to stop everything. I had to stop committing to things. In some ways, I had to get used to the feeling of letting people down because I couldn’t meet my commitments to the job, the family, and the kid.

I had a powerful realization while I was going through all that. None of those commitments mattered if I wasn’t on the planet anymore.  Nobody’s going to say that it’s more important that I do the grocery shopping then that I live.

That launched me on my entrepreneurial journey.  I realized that in order to stay healthy, I had to take time for myself on a regular basis.  This meant reevaluating my career choices.  I realized that I couldn’t keep giving and giving in a way that didn’t feed me and expect to be any good to anyone else.

In order to stay healthy, not just physically but also mentally and emotionally, I had to completely change careers.  I figured out what kind of career would honor, not only my own creativity, but my time commitments and my ability to take time for my own well-being.

Hopefully, you don’t have to have something as drastic as cancer give you the wake-up call to take care of yourself.

If you are ready to find the balance between bringing in an income and being with your family, if you want the freedom of being able to make your own hours and have the flexibility to have time for yourself, time for your family, and time for the things you love, let this be the start of your entrepreneurial journey, too.

If you are a creative person, you probably already have some ideas about what you would do for a business. I can help.

I can help you get your business off the ground in a way that will honor your creativity and make time for you.  You should be having one day a week a week just for you—not one day a month, a quarter, or a year.

One day a week, just for you.

If all that sounds too good to be true, let’s have a conversation and see if we can work together to make it true for you.

Go to my website, www.drjudymorley.net, and you can sign up for my e-newsletter.  Contact me and let’s talk about a way that maybe I can help you start your entrepreneurial journey so that you can make time for yourself.

About the author

Dr. Judy Morley has been described as a “human potential specialist.” Her years of experience in different arenas varies from being an advertising executive to a college professor to an executive to an entrepreneur and franchise owner.  Each of these positions has given her great insight into helping people find their authentic style of leadership.